ADR Japan had convened 4th annual conference in Nagoya university at 12th/July, agenda was as follows:

[The report by independent reseacher]
1) Basic challenge for Investment and ADR(13:00-14:50)
was reported by Mr. Tatsuya Nakamura, Professor, Kokushikan University
It was really interesting, there are huge possibility in the near future. The detail report will be disclosed by secretariat division.
2) Consideration regarding ADR enforcement by Ms. Kayo Nishikawa, Professor, Kokugakuin University
I , personally, am halting at the point on my own arbitration in which we won the case, since the other side could not be enforced with their bankrupt. Detail would be reported by secretariat division.
[General meeting]
I personally think that we should act more and more actively. The fund should be expended more.
[Mini symposium](15:30-17:30)
Theme: Medical Malpractice
Coordinator: Mr. Hitotaka Wada, Professor, Waseda University
Mr. Yutaka Tejima, Professor, Kobe university
Mr. Yoshihiko Nakamura, Professor, Hose University
Mr. Takeshi Hasegawa, Professor, Jichi-Ika university
It is really concerning issue for me since I have been operated to remove tumors 5 years ago although ADR was not needed. Also I can realize doctor's mind and anxiety in a court as well as I was a company witness in Israeli court.
By the way, Doctor Hasegawa and I were really similar outlook. Another doctor from U.S. misunderstood and talked to me "Hello, Dr. Hasegawa" in a lobby.
Lucky for me, exchanged business card with him!
Seriously, according to Dr. Hasegawa's comments, He felt many of decision by a court for medical case are "Is that a medical malpractice?" He continued "As the result, doctors tend to cower, breakdown of medical care". "ADR is expected to settle, instead of the court system which tends to punish" He concluded. I think medical ADR should be a part of medical system.
It was reported in 7th ODR Forum in Canada, that N.Y. city decided to renew a contract using ODR system to solve medical case as ADR. They will expand using ODR with remove $50,000 cap of settled amount after 3 years trial using.
I think still it is difficult to handle complex medical case, however, what is a reason these difference between Japan and others? Is this just a difference of country situation? Or Japan is proceeding? Or?
Need to research continuously.

[The report by independent reseacher]
1) Basic challenge for Investment and ADR(13:00-14:50)
was reported by Mr. Tatsuya Nakamura, Professor, Kokushikan University
It was really interesting, there are huge possibility in the near future. The detail report will be disclosed by secretariat division.
2) Consideration regarding ADR enforcement by Ms. Kayo Nishikawa, Professor, Kokugakuin University
I , personally, am halting at the point on my own arbitration in which we won the case, since the other side could not be enforced with their bankrupt. Detail would be reported by secretariat division.
[General meeting]
I personally think that we should act more and more actively. The fund should be expended more.
[Mini symposium](15:30-17:30)
Theme: Medical Malpractice
Coordinator: Mr. Hitotaka Wada, Professor, Waseda University
Mr. Yutaka Tejima, Professor, Kobe university
Mr. Yoshihiko Nakamura, Professor, Hose University
Mr. Takeshi Hasegawa, Professor, Jichi-Ika university
It is really concerning issue for me since I have been operated to remove tumors 5 years ago although ADR was not needed. Also I can realize doctor's mind and anxiety in a court as well as I was a company witness in Israeli court.
By the way, Doctor Hasegawa and I were really similar outlook. Another doctor from U.S. misunderstood and talked to me "Hello, Dr. Hasegawa" in a lobby.
Lucky for me, exchanged business card with him!
Seriously, according to Dr. Hasegawa's comments, He felt many of decision by a court for medical case are "Is that a medical malpractice?" He continued "As the result, doctors tend to cower, breakdown of medical care". "ADR is expected to settle, instead of the court system which tends to punish" He concluded. I think medical ADR should be a part of medical system.
It was reported in 7th ODR Forum in Canada, that N.Y. city decided to renew a contract using ODR system to solve medical case as ADR. They will expand using ODR with remove $50,000 cap of settled amount after 3 years trial using.
I think still it is difficult to handle complex medical case, however, what is a reason these difference between Japan and others? Is this just a difference of country situation? Or Japan is proceeding? Or?
Need to research continuously.