International Consumer Governance Symposium was held at Mita kyouyou cenference place in Tokyo, Japan.

The prime minister Fukuda appeared to thank everyone and probably as one of his final appearance after he declared to resign his position.

[The prime Minister Fukuda appeared in the conference.]

The theme is that "Preparing established Consumer ministry, We, as experts for consumer governance in all around the world, discuss about governance for consumer, how we should be, how we reduce risks in globalized society. "

Agenda is as follows: with Japanese - English simultaneous translation.
Keynote: Mr. Samuel Ochieng Chairman of CI
Speech: [ The consumer in global society]
by Andreas Bocker, Professor, Guelph University
Iain Ramsay, Professor, Kent University
Victoria Thoresen, CEO, Consumer citizen ship, Norway
Masamichi Sakagami, Professor, Tamagawa university

Panel Discussion: [Consumer governance in Global society]
Tsuneo Matsumoto, Professor, Hitotsubashi University
Samuel Ochieng, Chairman, CI
Anja Peltonen, Vice Ombudsman, Finland
Paku Myonhi, Chair, Korean consumer office
Mozel W Tompson, Former FTC, US
Minoru Ineoka, Managing Director, Seven & I holdings

It was really interesting point of view by Mr. Bocker which was, so to speak, named Consumer paradox, as follows:

/Mass Media are not trusted but they are red.
/Government is little trusted but quickly called for.
/Trust in institutions is less important for GMO acceptance than friends and family's opinion.
/Industry is trusted least but their brands enjoy loyalty and trust.

In the panel discussion, One contended protecting consumer by consumer side, another talked that consumer has power and they should behave as one of consumer citizen with constructive opinion, but not only criticize. Those were really contradistinctive, but suggestive.

Why we need to establish the consumer ministry?
The triggers were serial incidents that related "food" and trust last year, such as date camouflage. I feel the media reported that the consumer ministry is expected as "rescue" ministry for protecting weak consumers. A Consumer governance begun in 1960 with the declaration for consumer by J.F. kennedy. It said the right including 1)Requiring Safe 2)Being informed 3)To choose what one wants to choose 4)Being heard one's opinion. All is "the right", and it's proactive.

Speakers from abroad talked about "Citizen Ship" which we need the time rather longer than Western country, since we, in Japan, never experienced citizen's revolution.

It must be conflicted and contradict Industry governance and Consumer governance. The consumer was weak party as for information rather than the industry in broadcast marketing era. The consumer has more power after changing to get information in internet era., so that they can participate to shape the opinion. Those powerful consumer citizens have to restraint to misuse it unnecessarily for continuing society where Industry could provide good and reasonable products and services .
In globalized society, consumer should behave as one of stakeholder constructively as well as protecting right is also important. We have to know and realize ethics of consumer citizen ship. Talking with government, and education become also important.

ODR should be discussed in this context.
Industry and Consumer, both are party in Dispute resolution. One intends to sell higher with low cost, the other hope to buy inexpensive things. The structure expects DR whether we expect or not. ADR/ODR must be useful for continuing expecting society.


”ボーダーレス経済の発展により、消費者問題も国際化・複雑化しています。 消費者庁(仮称)の創設を進めているこの機に、世界各国の消費者政策の専門家が一堂に会し、 グローバル社会によって生み出されるリスクを軽減していくための今後の消費者行政のあり方を検討します。”

【プログラム】 ※日英同時通訳付

基調講演 Samuel Ochieng, 国際消費者機構(CI)会長
講演   「グローバル社会における消費者」
      Andreas Bocker カナダ・ゲルフ大学准教授
       Iain Ramsay イギリス・ケント大学教授
       Victoria Thoresen コンシューマー・シティズンシップ・ネットワーク代表
      坂上雅道 玉川大学教授

パネルディスカッション 「グローバル社会における消費者行政」
       松本恒雄 一橋大学法科大学院教授(コーディネーター)
       Samuel Ochieng 国際消費者機構(CI)会長
       Anja Peltonen フィンランド消費者副オンブズマン
      パク・ミョンヒ 韓国消費者院 院長
      モゼル・W・トンプソン 元米国連邦取引委員会委員
      稲岡 稔   セブン&アイホールディングス 常務執行役員






グローバル社会においては、保護も重要であるが、消費者は「単にクレーマーではない 建設的に意見して、社会貢献も意識したステイクホルダー」としての市民であるべきではないか。そのために、国際倫理を意識し、政府と積極的に会話することも重要な役割であるし、政府は、これまでと同様、透明性と説明責任を果たしていくと同時に、消費者教育が重要となってくる。
