This entry is quoted from HERE and translated.

Japanese leading ADR/ODR Provider EC Network was assigned as authorized supporting research institute for

"ERIA Research Project Working Group
~Establishment of a secure and safe e-commerce marketplace~",

which was organized in ERIA project(see the title) to seek the way to encourage safe e-commerce in East Asia and ASEAN. The workshop for the WG will be held December in Tokyo, February in Singapore with attending Researchers, Lawyers, and practitioners from several asian counties.

At the 1st WG meeting, Each country would report each status. Japan will present some good practices with related law, market situations, trust structure, international affairs, and dispute case studies.

Especially, ICA-Net,certified as a pilot project in APEC and Asian countries(Malaysia, Singapore, Thai, vietnam and Taipei as observer) declared to join, will be appeared with a demonstration in final day.

If USA could join ICA-Net, that will make Asia and Pacific network like ATA for Trust Mark alliance.

Aggressive and Proactive discussions (:p) are expected in WG for cultivating trustworthy market, such as "The key For Success of this project depends on "open book" communication based good dinner", so that the plan is put ahead to the day before the meeting. (Ms. tonomura said "I totally agreed with the idea", in charge of international affairs, at EC Network)