(JAPANESE article)

A lady, who was divorced by her husband, murdered him by "removing".
She was arrested, but her crime was NOT the murder. Why?

The lady was arrested with "unauthorized computer access law" since she remove her virtual husband without authorization in Online Role playing game, "Maple story", in which she and the man were enjoying.

They've got married in the game to grow up own character by helping each other, and the man gave his ID to her to make her to play instead of him. She has been supporting his character to grow up, but suddenly he divorced her one-sidedly.
She got angry with it and remove his character in the game with his ID which was already she knew.

Nexon Japan, game provider, answered "Marriage or divorce is a matter between players, it could be solved if they can communicate ordinary", confusingly.

"Online RPG is virtual, however daily conversations via real-time chat makes people to confuse real and virtual. Increasing players, increasing such case, I guess" said journalist who knows well about RPG.