The 10th GBDe summit was held in San francisco, 31/Oct. I have attended the conference as a senior researcher of EC Network to support a responsible person for international issue, to report and promote an ODR challenge "The community style platform for CALO" in the conference. CALO is (Consumer Advisory Liaison Offices), which is designated/assigned at least one in each country to receive complaint from consumer and communicate with other CALOs to solve international dispute on online between consumer and business.

Ms. Tonomura of EC Network said,
"The system was approved as Pilot project in APEC, GBDe/CCIG(Consumer Confidence Issue Group) exchanged opinions with Mexico and several Asian countries, Malaysia and Singapore decided to join the pilot project, Thai and Vietnam intend to join as observers",
in the Official blog (In Japanese)by EC Network

The system would be started as a trial basis at Jan/2009, depend on the result, be considered to expand to other region.

Additional information could be disclosed at The EC NEtwork Site.