ODR, which appeared in 1999 around back and forth for solving chain mail problem, fraudulent and misrepresenting personality or sex, is actively applied for insurance dispute, another dispute resolution even including civil affairs in all over the world recently.
8th ODR forum, subsequently 7th forum held in Victoria CANADA, was held in Israel, 3rd to 4th June, 2009. Haifa university located north of TelAviv was venue, 1.5 hours by train from Bengurion International Airport.

Luckily, We had an opportunity to introduce about our activity for The ICA-Net about which I have been participating, though just attending a conference as a audience in CANADA.
Forum agenda
ICA-Net is an abbreviation for International Consumer Advisory NETwork.
It is based on bilateral collaboration for small claim in electric commerce, and now is trying to extend to multi-lateral collaboration, by private companies.
GBDe(Global Business Dialogue), which is international conference by CEO, is driving it as one of activities in Consumer Confidence Issue Group, introduced in APEC, OECD and ERIA project.
Finally as authorized project in ERIA, a trial was started with CALO(Consumer advisory liaison Office) from 5 countries, United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan, observed by Thailand and Taipei since 2009.
The basic structure is that CALO as window organization for consumer complaint will be assigned in each countries. The CALO will receive complaint from consumer in located country, or handle complaint from other CALO to solve with Business company.
The ICA-Net is already handling several complaints crossovering on plural countries. I believe our presentation at the conference could work for recruiting some candidates of CALOs.
By the way, on the way back to Japan, as not usual, stayed in London 2 days, enjoyed "walking tour for historical Beatles memories" including Abbey road.
8th ODR forum, subsequently 7th forum held in Victoria CANADA, was held in Israel, 3rd to 4th June, 2009. Haifa university located north of TelAviv was venue, 1.5 hours by train from Bengurion International Airport.

Luckily, We had an opportunity to introduce about our activity for The ICA-Net about which I have been participating, though just attending a conference as a audience in CANADA.
Forum agenda
ICA-Net is an abbreviation for International Consumer Advisory NETwork.
It is based on bilateral collaboration for small claim in electric commerce, and now is trying to extend to multi-lateral collaboration, by private companies.
GBDe(Global Business Dialogue), which is international conference by CEO, is driving it as one of activities in Consumer Confidence Issue Group, introduced in APEC, OECD and ERIA project.
Finally as authorized project in ERIA, a trial was started with CALO(Consumer advisory liaison Office) from 5 countries, United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Vietnam and Japan, observed by Thailand and Taipei since 2009.
The basic structure is that CALO as window organization for consumer complaint will be assigned in each countries. The CALO will receive complaint from consumer in located country, or handle complaint from other CALO to solve with Business company.
The ICA-Net is already handling several complaints crossovering on plural countries. I believe our presentation at the conference could work for recruiting some candidates of CALOs.
By the way, on the way back to Japan, as not usual, stayed in London 2 days, enjoyed "walking tour for historical Beatles memories" including Abbey road.
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10 Questions: Amanda de CadenetJune 21 10:06 AMby Yale Breslin 0 CommentsTonight marks the season finale of The Conversation, the Lifetime series hosted by Amanda de Cadenet (and produced by Demi Moore) that showcases realistic and alternative programming for women. If you havent seen any of the shows, fret not, theyre all available online and sometimes its more fun to watch an entire season in one sittingshow after show after show. The theme of tonights showairing at 11pm/10pm centralis Parenting and Perseverance, and women like Donna Karan, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Joy Bryant are all on tap to weigh in. While giving Ms. de [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]Coach Outlet[/url] Cadenet a round of applause for her empowerment of women wouldnt even come close to doing this powerhouse justice, we figured the next best thing would be to have her fill in our ELLE.com questionnaire.ELLE: What is [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]Coach Outlet[/url] your favorite smell?Amanda de Cadenet: My kids hair after it [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]Coach Outlet[/url] has just been washed.ELLE: What do you consider the epitome of happiness?AdC: I am still trying to work that one out!ELLE: How do you define luxury?AdC: Clean sheets and being able to eat fresh cupcakes whilst in bed.ELLE: What is the last dream you remember?AdC: Hmmmm. I think it was a sex dream so I cant say much about it.ELLE: Whats your favorite childhood memory?AdC: My childhood is a blur and [url=http://ccoachonlineoutlet.com/]Coach Outlet[/url] full of very vague memories. My therapist could explain more about why [url=http://kmoutlet365.co.uk/]cheap karen millen[/url] that is, but thats for another time.ELLE: Whats the last book you read and loved?AdC: I am an avid reader, and I read so much and so many books. But one that I love is Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott.ELLE: Describe your homes aesthetic.AdC: The Conversation is shot at my home so you can see it there. Its cozy, filled with lots of light and kids and animals.ELLE: What are your vices?AdC: Oh, thats a Conversation question. Chocolate, chocolate, and chocolate.ELLE: Describe yourself in five words or less.AdC: Loyal, serious, kind, sassy, tough.ELLE: What possession will you never throw away?AdC: My Contax T2 camera.
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