ODR connection from odr_room Network in Japan

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海賊王ゴールドロジャーが、シルバーズレイリーに別れの際にいった言葉。”オレは死なねえぜ、相棒よ”が、英語版で"I'll never die, Partner"と訳されていたのだ。

You're my partner.

Japan- recycle economy in a commuter train

While people in a early morning commuter train are rather blankly looking at advertisements for magazines which will be published in the day, a certain man who carries a big shopping bag is passing through them with very carefully researching for something on a shelf as though he is a security person on duty for Toyako summit conference.

Who is he? what does he look for?

He seems to find out something on a shelf. A suspicious object?
No. He just picked up a magazine which was abandoned on a shelf. The magazine was put into the bag, then the man moved to the next door.

The magazine was published just on the day, for which fresh advertisement is on the train. A person who bought the magazine at his home town station already finished to read it and put it on the shelf. The magazine is still new, since he just once red it. It is really against ecology, isn't it!?

The magazine picked up by the man with big bag will be brought to another guys who is selling a newspaper and magazines on a street, and re-sell to another business people or students with 1/2 of a regular price on a same day. If the magazine will be abandoned again in a daytime, another shopping bag man will pick it up and sell it to street selling stand, not a KIOSK.

The Shopping bag man is a king of homeless, but He wears a clean closes, no bad smell, with rather healthy face color. He earns his money with collecting abandoned book on a shelf and resell it.

Maybe street selling guy illegally doing it, but the system seems to be useful.
I understand this is rather creepy since the magazine may be touched by someone who is stranger for a next reader. Is this typically only in Japan? How do you feel this recycles?


米国で、iPhone向けGoogle Talkがリリースされたそうだ。日本では携帯でブラウジングやらはとっくに当たり前で、最近は青少年に悪影響を及ぼすとして、規制の動きにまでなっているが、日本以外ではこれからというところだ。

ODR Forum 2008で、「途上国とODR」というテーマのBreak Out sessionがあり、そこでは、



・ウガンダでは、病気の子供を連れていく前に、街の医者の所在を確認、せっかくつれていって医者がいなくて手遅れになるようなこともなくなった。(原文では、街にいく=journey になってるところがスゴい)

iPhone向けGoogle Talkができると、さらにいろいろな可能性が広がるんだろうな。Forumでは、ODRへの活用の方向で議論されたが、実際には文字の読み書き人口の問題はあるだろうから、そこには超えるべきハードルはあるが、意外に、貧困の解消に繋がっていくんじゃないか、とか、その結果、紛争の防止、紛争の減少に、繋がるのではないかな、と国連主催のForumならではのSessionでありました。

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