Let me introduce EC Network who is Japanese leading ADR/ODR service provider.
(From Their Site)
Established in April of 2006 as a non-profit corporation, EC Network is committed to promoting and fostering a reliable and secure e-commerce environment for both business and consumers. Our launch was the result of a 4 year ADR pilot project at the Next Generation E-Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM).
EC Network’s operations are fundamentally supported through a membership scheme and special financial funding from major companies and industry organizations. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is also our primary supporter and advocate for our cross border development.
More Details are in their Site. Please visit
They provides complaint service from outside of Japan. The complaint form is
Also they act for global cooperation,
(From their Site)
The Next Generation E-Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM/ADR Office), the predecessor of EC Network, collaborated with international ADR providers.
EC Network will also establish international ADR alliances.
EC Network made a presentation at the International E-Business Conference in Taiwan on September 27.
[ PDF 123Kb ] Past Results and Prospect of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Japan
you could find more information in http://www.ecnetwork.jp/en/public/globalcooperation.html
Japanese site is
(From Their Site)
Established in April of 2006 as a non-profit corporation, EC Network is committed to promoting and fostering a reliable and secure e-commerce environment for both business and consumers. Our launch was the result of a 4 year ADR pilot project at the Next Generation E-Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM).
EC Network’s operations are fundamentally supported through a membership scheme and special financial funding from major companies and industry organizations. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) is also our primary supporter and advocate for our cross border development.
More Details are in their Site. Please visit
They provides complaint service from outside of Japan. The complaint form is
Also they act for global cooperation,
(From their Site)
The Next Generation E-Commerce Promotion Council of Japan (ECOM/ADR Office), the predecessor of EC Network, collaborated with international ADR providers.
EC Network will also establish international ADR alliances.
EC Network made a presentation at the International E-Business Conference in Taiwan on September 27.
[ PDF 123Kb ] Past Results and Prospect of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Japan
you could find more information in http://www.ecnetwork.jp/en/public/globalcooperation.html
Japanese site is

2008年09月02日 14:28
- Category
- English-official-ODR
Your virtual day in a court/仮想法廷の日々はくるか?/Brief Translation
This entry is quoted from [Your virtual day in court: How online dispute resolution is transforming the practice of ADR](By Gary Oakes Victoria August 15 2008) and made a brief translation for Japanese readers.
As Frank Fowlie put it, “the possibilities are endless” ― and, they’re green.
第7回ODR Forumのチェアマンを努めたフランクフォーリー氏は,ODRの可能性は無限でしかも環境にも最高だと法律家の週刊誌に語った。
He believes that ODR will have a fine future but it’s not about to replace the existing justice system.
“I think anything criminal in nature will have to be done in the courts [as will] large-value suits, but certainly things like small claims [matters and] a lot of family law issues could be done on line [as well as] suits arising from commercial transactions.
“It’s definitely a greener technology as opposed to courts because there’s not a lot of paper. Depending on the type of platform that’s being used, there’s instantaneous document retention.”
He thinks of ODR as “the next step to traditional ADR, or Alternate Dispute Resolution, which has been conducted face-to-face.” And it’s not just for commercial transactions. One of the speakers at the forum was talking about using ODR “in the context of world peace [or] interstate conflict.”
Fowlie pointed out that eBay deals with 40 million disputes a year and “the cost for that is built into the transaction fee...”
In Singapore, he said, the small claims court system is entirely on line. “All filings are done [electronically and] it’s a virtual court. Magistrates review the material and render decisions online. Nobody has to appear. That’s wonderful.”
With such a system people don’t have to take time off work or get a babysitter to look after the kids while they’re in court, he said. As well, it doesn’t add to the demand for more court and document storage facilities. And they can fill out the forms at their convenience.
He explained that in a situation “where you... have a purchaser in one country, a vendor in another... and a sales platform in a third, ...to seek redress through a court-based system [it] may be, first, extremely difficult to determine who has jurisdiction. And secondly, if the jurisdiction is off shore for one of the parties, [it can be] very expensive. So Online Dispute Resolution [enables] the parties to initiate their own redress.”
ODR is particularly effective “when you’ve got people in different jurisdictions or different time zones. If you’re a party to mediation and the other party is in India, the chances of you actually being in each other’s workday are fairly minimal. But if you’re dealing through a mediator or an on-line platform, you can each enter your own information when it’s convenient for you.”
He also believes the insurance industry “is absolutely ripe” for such a system. In disputes over the quantum of payment, “if they were to invest... in systems where there could be a blind bidding approach on line using technology where they could come to a zone of possible agreement quickly... there would be huge savings.”
Saving time, costs, avoiding risk for accidents, and as the result good for environments, etc. We already defined effectiveness of ODR efficiently, and it's in phase to proceed apply practices.
In Japan, there were several projects to research and examine ODR, which were found as wreckage today in googled results. Of course, you could find another facts of ODR challenge result such as "Online filing" in Ministry of Justice.
Law firms, who can accept "online counseling" , are increasing, Portal sites by lawyers exist.
Law firms Online Law firms and Portal Site.
法律オンライン(law online) Portal site
あきない・えーど(business aid) Portal site
弁護士ドットコム(lawyer dot com) Portal site
こもんべんごしドットコム(bond lawyers dot com)
"EC Network" is providing ADR and consulting services for domestic and global.
I found Japan was little presence in ODR Forum 2008 in Canada. But I also found a practical ODRs or a lot of seeds in Japanese society, those are not recognized as "ODR" as someone defined just TMDR in ODR Forum. An evolution which was begun with some symbolic word, will be penetrated into society, with loosing the word. That means it became a phase for practical use. We, Japan, with little presence in ODR world, may already mature for ODR? Wanna Bet!
ODR Forumでは、日本の存在はほぼ、なかった。参加国にもあげられなかったくらいだ。しかし、こうして検索してみると、それらしき実態は整えてきているのはないかとも思える。ODR Forumでは、ODRといわずにTMDR(Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution)と表現されている報告もあった。シンボリックな言葉で始まったある分野の変革は、大抵技術用語を冠にたたえている。やがてその技術が当たり前になり、騒がれることもなくなるが、実態は社会に根付いている。我々日本はもしかすると既にODRが組み込まれているのかもしれない。ただ、英語圏でないために、国際的な広がりがでないため、彼の国連フォーラムでは発表するようにならないのかもしれないな?
As Frank Fowlie put it, “the possibilities are endless” ― and, they’re green.
第7回ODR Forumのチェアマンを努めたフランクフォーリー氏は,ODRの可能性は無限でしかも環境にも最高だと法律家の週刊誌に語った。
He believes that ODR will have a fine future but it’s not about to replace the existing justice system.
“I think anything criminal in nature will have to be done in the courts [as will] large-value suits, but certainly things like small claims [matters and] a lot of family law issues could be done on line [as well as] suits arising from commercial transactions.
“It’s definitely a greener technology as opposed to courts because there’s not a lot of paper. Depending on the type of platform that’s being used, there’s instantaneous document retention.”
He thinks of ODR as “the next step to traditional ADR, or Alternate Dispute Resolution, which has been conducted face-to-face.” And it’s not just for commercial transactions. One of the speakers at the forum was talking about using ODR “in the context of world peace [or] interstate conflict.”
Fowlie pointed out that eBay deals with 40 million disputes a year and “the cost for that is built into the transaction fee...”
In Singapore, he said, the small claims court system is entirely on line. “All filings are done [electronically and] it’s a virtual court. Magistrates review the material and render decisions online. Nobody has to appear. That’s wonderful.”
With such a system people don’t have to take time off work or get a babysitter to look after the kids while they’re in court, he said. As well, it doesn’t add to the demand for more court and document storage facilities. And they can fill out the forms at their convenience.
He explained that in a situation “where you... have a purchaser in one country, a vendor in another... and a sales platform in a third, ...to seek redress through a court-based system [it] may be, first, extremely difficult to determine who has jurisdiction. And secondly, if the jurisdiction is off shore for one of the parties, [it can be] very expensive. So Online Dispute Resolution [enables] the parties to initiate their own redress.”
ODR is particularly effective “when you’ve got people in different jurisdictions or different time zones. If you’re a party to mediation and the other party is in India, the chances of you actually being in each other’s workday are fairly minimal. But if you’re dealing through a mediator or an on-line platform, you can each enter your own information when it’s convenient for you.”
He also believes the insurance industry “is absolutely ripe” for such a system. In disputes over the quantum of payment, “if they were to invest... in systems where there could be a blind bidding approach on line using technology where they could come to a zone of possible agreement quickly... there would be huge savings.”
Saving time, costs, avoiding risk for accidents, and as the result good for environments, etc. We already defined effectiveness of ODR efficiently, and it's in phase to proceed apply practices.
In Japan, there were several projects to research and examine ODR, which were found as wreckage today in googled results. Of course, you could find another facts of ODR challenge result such as "Online filing" in Ministry of Justice.
Law firms, who can accept "online counseling" , are increasing, Portal sites by lawyers exist.
Law firms Online Law firms and Portal Site.
法律オンライン(law online) Portal site
あきない・えーど(business aid) Portal site
弁護士ドットコム(lawyer dot com) Portal site
こもんべんごしドットコム(bond lawyers dot com)
"EC Network" is providing ADR and consulting services for domestic and global.
I found Japan was little presence in ODR Forum 2008 in Canada. But I also found a practical ODRs or a lot of seeds in Japanese society, those are not recognized as "ODR" as someone defined just TMDR in ODR Forum. An evolution which was begun with some symbolic word, will be penetrated into society, with loosing the word. That means it became a phase for practical use. We, Japan, with little presence in ODR world, may already mature for ODR? Wanna Bet!
ODR Forumでは、日本の存在はほぼ、なかった。参加国にもあげられなかったくらいだ。しかし、こうして検索してみると、それらしき実態は整えてきているのはないかとも思える。ODR Forumでは、ODRといわずにTMDR(Technology Mediated Dispute Resolution)と表現されている報告もあった。シンボリックな言葉で始まったある分野の変革は、大抵技術用語を冠にたたえている。やがてその技術が当たり前になり、騒がれることもなくなるが、実態は社会に根付いている。我々日本はもしかすると既にODRが組み込まれているのかもしれない。ただ、英語圏でないために、国際的な広がりがでないため、彼の国連フォーラムでは発表するようにならないのかもしれないな?